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耿国华1, 何雪磊1, 王美丽2, 李康1, 贺小伟1(1.西北大学信息科学与技术学院, 西安 710127;2.西北农林科技大学信息工程学院, 杨凌 712100)

摘 要
Research progress on key technologies of cultural heritage activation

Geng Guohua1, He Xuelei1, Wang Meili2, Li Kang1, He Xiaowei1(1.School of Information Science and Technology, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, China;2.College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China)

The Chinese nation culture, which is of abundant resources, various categories and art styles, origins from the Chinese nation and is deeply rooted in ordinary people, has kept a long record of the historical memory and continued the cultural vein. Indeed, the Chinese nation culture is the foundation and the soul of the Chinese nation. The cultural heritage, which has the trait of widespread dissemination, long history, various styles, unique form of expression and being nonrenewable, is the precious information for exploring the development of the ancient human civilization. Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology and the widespread impact of globalization, the formation of cultural inheritance has changed fundamentally, especially in the way of interpersonal inheritance style of the non-material cultural heritage. Therefore, there is an urgent need to construct bridges between the resource and the media, the content and the technology in order to sustain the digital inheritance of the Chinese cultural heritage. This paper is organised based on the advanced intelligent computing, digital media and virtual reality/augmented reality technology, and combines the dissemination process and artistic characteristics of the cultural heritage. From the perspective of the development status, frontier trends, hot issues and development trends, the key activation technologies are analyzed and summarized in terms of the collection of cultural heritage, the combination of virtual and real intelligent display and interaction, and the construction of intelligent platforms. Firstly, in the aspect of the collection of cultural heritage, in the view of the bottleneck problems that exist in the digitization of complex cultural relics, the key technologies of digital collection and reconstruction are introduced; the feature extraction algorithms of cultural heritage elements, themes, styles, etc., as well as the key technologies in the process of digital simulation to analyze the compositional features, distribution features, color features, and modeling features of cultural heritage are summarized; the key technologies of cultural heritage understanding and construction that are based on semantic feature analysis, understanding and recognition are introduced; the advantages and disadvantages of traditional image processing and deep learning methods in the process of digital simulation of national culture are analysed and discussed, and the characteristics and efficiency of the current algorithms are compared. Besides, the existing problems and difficulties are expounded, and an insight into the future of digital simulation of national culture is provided. Next, in the aspect of the combination of virtual and real intelligent display and interaction, for the characteristics of physical display and virtual display of cultural heritage, the key technologies of digital restoration of cultural heritage are reviewed. The important role of cutting-edge information technology including multi-modal image processing, few-shot learning and stylized image generation methods is introduced. Meanwhile, the cutting-edge research based on multi-source heterogeneous big data analysis, knowledge graph and deep learning in the digital restoration of cultural heritage are also reviewed. To satisfied the interactive 3D display needs of cultural heritage, the content-based natural human-computer interaction technology is introduced, which is combined with text, audio, video, semantics and story retrieval of cultural history. Virtual interactive presentation of new technologies is introduced in terms of real-time realistic technology, virtual-real fusion rendering, and augmented reality technology. Last but not least, in the aspect of intelligent platform construction, there still remains many problems at present, such as the decentralized system management of the cultural heritage intelligent platform, which leads to poor business collaboration, and due to the lack of unified data, it is still difficult to share data mutually. Also, the problems of the difficulty in system maintenance, the high management costs, and the inconvenience for users still need to be solved. In the view of the above mentioned problems, the key technology research of the cultural heritage big data model and the private cloud architecture and the related intelligent platform construction projects are introduced. The above key activation technologies of cultural heritage are actively integrated into the major national development strategies, and these technologies are conducive to excavating and improving the protection and inheritance technology of national cultural heritage, promoting their rational use, and expanding their dissemination influence, which is of great significance to carry forward Chinese civilization, promote cultural prosperity, build demonstration areas for ethnic minorities and enhance cultural confidence.
