Current Issue Cover

董天阳, 夏佳佳, 范菁(浙江工业大学计算机科学与技术学院, 杭州 310023)

摘 要
Adaptive visualization of multi-style composition for complex forest scene

Dong Tianyang, Xia Jiajia, Fan Jing(School of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China)

In order to ensure the realism of visualizing complex forest scenes and maintain the constancy of generating dynamic forest scenes, this paper presents an approach to the adaptive visualization of multi-style composition for complex forest scenes. The approach determines the mixing ratio of tree models according to model contribution functions based on the range of visibility, which establishes the multi-style composition visualization model of the forest scenes. After estimating the calculation time of the tree growth model and the rendering time of the 3D models, as well as calculating the importance of trees in the forest scenes, the best scheme is obtained to generate the forest scenes. It keeps a relatively good stability of generating forest scenes, and the rendering strategy of forest scenes is dynamically adjusted according to the simulation results. To verify the effectiveness and practicality of this approach, we applied it to the dynamic forest simulation scene. The application results show that this adaptive visualization of multi-style composition can achieve great visual reality and improve the efficiency of rendering rates roaming, which makes forest scene roaming more stable and smooth.
