Current Issue Cover

徐舒畅1,2(1.杭州师范大学信息科学与工程学院, 杭州 310036;2.卡内基梅隆大学生物医学工程学院, 匹兹堡 15213)

摘 要
Skin lesion segmentation by using independent pigment concentration distribution

Xu Shuchang1,2(1.Hangzhou Normal University, Department of Information Science and Engineering, Hangzhou 310036, China;2.Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pittsburgh 15213, USA)

Skin lesion detection plays dominant role in computer-aided diagnosis system of dermoscopic image. Be different from existing segmentation algorithms which are based on traditional features like texture or color, the proposed algorithm is based on independent pigment concentration distribution. First, a dermoscopic imaging model is built based on Lambert-Beer law, followed by obtaining and visualizing pigment concentration distribution after applying ICA method. Then give the definition of Pigment Concentration Ratio(PCR), which puts emphasize on gradient distribution of single pigment concentration. Final segmentation is created by applying global or local thresholding-based algorithm on PCR. Experiments show the robustness and generalization of proposed algorithm. Especially, expected segmentation result is achieved even if lesion regions of input image show very dim gradient.
