Current Issue Cover

胡伏原1, 姒绍辉1, 张艳宁2, 孙瑾秋2(1.苏州科技学院电子学院, 苏州 215011;2.西北工业大学, 西安 710072)

摘 要
Multi-bilateral filtering algorithm based on adaptive fractional order differentiation

Hu Fuyuan1, Si Shaohui1, Zhang Yanning2, Sun Jinqiu2(1.College of electronic and information engineering, Suzhou University of Science and technology, Suzhou 215011, China;2.Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China)

The majority of methods based on fractional order differentiation for image enhancement always try to select different fractional orders and they fix the optimal one all the pixels in one image. However, these methods have difficulties in robustly enhancing images in complex environments. Therefore, a multi-bilateral filtering algorithm based on adaptive fractional order differentiation is proposed. The amplitude-frequency nonlinear joint model is established to adaptively select fractional order by analyzing the texture's characters, which can effectively overcome texture changes in images with complex environment. In the framework of bilateral filtering, introducing the guided image by adaptively selecting fractional order and detail transfer method makes sure that the texture details of an image are maintained/enhanced during denoising. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm has better performance in computer vision and graphics, such as image filtering, dehazing and detail enhancement.
