摘 要
The active contour model for segmentation of coastal hyperspectral remote sensing image
Wang Xianghai1,2, Jin Yibo1(1.College of Computer and Information Technology, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China;2.Provincial Key Laboratory for Computer Information Processing Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China) Abstract
In recent years,the segmentation of coastal hyperspectral remote sensing image which combines ground objects identification with anomaly target detection, is receiving more attention. Moreover, it is a challenge for the massive data and complex construction of hyperspectral image. This paper presents a partial differential equation for active contour models based on the spectral characteristic of coastal terraqueous region segmentation for reference. First, the pixel spectral information of coastal hyperspectral remote sensing image is used as the reference point to construct an energy deviation matrix. Then, using this energy deviation matrix, a new active contour model of terraqueous region segmentation is proposed. It improves the capture and anti-noise capacities of terraqueous marginal region, based on the edge guide function of gradient. The experimental results, compared with that of traditional active contour models, demonstrate that the proposed approach not only yields accurate segmentation but enhances the calculation speed as well.
hyperspectral remote sensing image coastal zone remote sensing energy deviation matrix active contour models partial differential equation