Current Issue Cover

张兵强, 张立民, 张建廷(海军航空工程学院电子信息工程系飞行仿真技术研究所, 烟台 264001)

摘 要
GPU-based real-time terrain rendering algorithm using batched LOD

Zhang Bingqiang, Zhang Limin, Zhang Jianting(Institute of Flight Simulation Technology, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Yantai 264001, China)

To make the real-time rendering of large scale terrain more efficient,a batched LOD algorithm is proposed in which terrain blocks are handled as the processing unit.In the preprocessing stage,multi-resolution terrain data is partitioned into regular blocks with predefined sizes.These blocks are organized in the form of quadtree.Based on this form,an error metrics for LOD selection is designed in order to simplify the computation of level decision.Then by the means of adding skirts and geometry morphing,different levels are transited without a visual distortion or popping.When terrain is being rendered,frustum culling is used to reduce data transmitted to graphics hardware.To efficiently implement data loading and datasets management,terrain quadtree lists and a prediction strategy are introduced.From the result of final simulation,it can be seen that the algorithm can fully harness the power of current graphics hardware and reach higher rendering rates.
