Current Issue Cover

潘翔1, 郑河荣1, 陈启华1(浙江工业大学软件学院,杭州 310014浙江工业大学教务处,杭州 310014)

摘 要
3D Shape Retrieval by Radius angle Histogram


Generally, normal based shape histogram feature,such as Complex Extend Gaussian Image, is rotation variant for 3D shape. This paper proposed a new kind of normal based shape signature, namely Radius Angle, which can remain invariant under rotation. Then, the Radius Angle Histogram(RAH) is constructed to describe shape contents and used for 3D shape retrievals. The RAH shape descriptor first uses a series of concentric spheres to capture the point distribution information of the given model. Then for points in each concentric sphere, the Radian Normal Angle is computed to extract the local geometry features. Finally, the Radius Normal Histogram is constructed by using the extracted shape signatures. The proposed shape representation remains invariant under rotations. It can be generated from the given 3D model efficiently and easily as well. In addition, this paper discusses the point sampling result’s affect on the final retrieving precision. The voxelization is used to make the sampled point more even over the surface, and better retrieving precision can be achieved by this process. the performance comparisons for the shape benchmark database have proven that the proposed algorithm can achieve better retrieving performance than other similar histogram based shape representations.
