Current Issue Cover

强永刚1, 殷建平1, 祝恩1, 张国敏1, 陈 涛1(国防科技大学计算机学院,长沙 410073)

摘 要
Extraction of Building Area from Remote Sensing Images Based on Wavelets Transformation and Mathematical Morphology


In the automatic interpretation of visible spectral remote sensing images (RSIs), in order to reduce the time of extracting a specific interested object of man made building, it usually locates coarsely the area of man made buildings first. A remote sensing image has the typical feature that different ground forms have different spectrums: The frequency of building area is higher than that of other areas. Based this kind of difference, an algorithm for locating the building area of RSIs using wavelets transformation and mathematical morphology is proposed. First, wavelets transformation is applied on a RSI to transform different information of ground forms into different frequency bands. Then, the high frequency information is merged, and in the merged image, the area where the amplitude changes rapidly is regarded as a peak, while the area where the amplitude changes smoothly is regarded as a basin. Finally, the building area is extracted based on morphological reconstruction. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm is accurate and fast.
