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庞全1, 钱诚1, 杨翠容1, 范影乐1(杭州电子科技大学生物医学工程与仪器研究所,杭州 310018)

摘 要
A Study on Image Restoration Based on Stochastic Resonance in Bistable System


Traditional methods for image restoration usually focus on eliminating noises to accomplish image restoration, But for images polluted by strong noises, it is hard to achieve it in this way. Stochastic resonance can use noise to enhance signals. Since the features in a bistable system are induced to the state of aperiodic stochastic resonance resorted to mutual entropy, hence we can restore image with noises use a nonlinear bistable system as a signal processing device. Results in this paper show that images restored based on the method proposed by this paper is more similar to original images than the traditional methods. In addition, the method is robust to variations of the intensity of noises.
