Current Issue Cover

王金伟1, 刘光杰1, 戴跃伟1, 王执铨1(南京理工大学自动化系,南京 210094)

摘 要
鲁棒水印技术通常被用于版权保护和所有权声明等目的。许多提出的水印方案通常把水印嵌入在变换域内,如2维的DFT域、DCT域和DWT域以及3维的DCT域、WT域。前3个域主要被用于2维的图像载体,而后2个域主要被用于3维的视频载体和3维的图像载体。在本文中,一种基于3维提升可分离小波(3-D SWT)的灰度图像水印方案被提出。首先,通过之字扫描把灰度图像分解为3维的图像序列,然后使用3-D SWT变换这些图像序列。同时通过相对熵理论证明了3-D SWT变换系数符合广义高斯分布。为了平衡鲁棒性和不可感知性,新的适用于3维的人类视觉模型被重构并用于调整水印的嵌入强度。在水印的检测方面,最优检测器实现水印的盲检测。实验表明本方案对各种攻击是强鲁棒的。
Image Watermarking Scheme Based on 3-D SWT


Robust watermarking techniques are always used for copyright protection and ownership assertion.Many watermark embedding schemes in transform domain are proposed such as 2-D DFT,2-D DCT and 2-D DWT which are used to transform the image data,and 3-D DCT and 3-D DWT which are used to transform the video data and 3-D image data.In this paper,a gray-level image watermarking scheme based on 3-D separable wavelet transform(SWT) with lifting scheme is presented.A gray-level image is decomposed into a 3-D image sequences by sub-sample of zigzag scan which are transformed using 3-D SWT.Simultaneously it is proved that the distribution of 3-D SWT coefficients follow the generalized Gaussian density function by using the distribution relative entropy theory.To make the compromise between the robustness and the imperceptivity,a new 3-D HVS model is reconstructed and used to adjust the embedding strength.In watermark detection,the optimum detector is used to implement the blind detection.It is shown in our experiments that the scheme is strongly robust against various attacks.
