Current Issue Cover

赵丹培1, 王延杰2(1.北京航空航天大学宇航学院图像中心,北京 100083;2.中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,长春 130031)

摘 要
Application of Phase Correlation in the Spacial Object Orientation Based on SVD


The phase correlation method provides straightforward estimation of rigid translational motion between two similar images. It is often claimed that the original method is best suited to identify integer pixel displacement. Experimental results show that the phase correlation matrix is rank one for a noise-free rigid translation model. The property leads to a new low complexity method for non-integer translational motion. This method based on singular value decomposition estimates the slope of phase by a least-squares fit and well-known Fourier shift property whose speed is nearly three times as quickly as original method. The method is robust in the presence of noise and shelter because of using phase information in the frequency domain. Experiments prove that this method can effectively restrain noise and accurately detect the shift of object sheltered, which resolved the problem of object shift detection for images seriously polluted by noise and cloud in the space. It provides a strong basis for accurate object orientation.
