Current Issue Cover

葛诚1, 彭启民1, 刘鹏1, 贾云得1(北京理工大学计算机科学与工程系,北京 100081)

摘 要
Panoramic Mosaicing Based on Multi-domain Analysis and Global Optimization


In this paper a novel framework of panoramic mosaicing is presented based on phase correlation,particle filter and intensity difference minimizing. Combining the characteristics of frequency domain and spatial domain we construct a panorama from un-calibrated images for global optimization. The alignment consists of two phases: local alignment and global alignment. In the process of local alignment the lower accuracy,the proposed method employs phase correlation and feature based particle filter sequentially,by which we can obtain the swiftness and robustness of phase correlation as well as the corrective function of feature based particle filter. In the process of global alignment,because the initial value generated by the local alignment is close to the optimum one,the iterated algorithm could converge quickly. Meanwhile,a huge parameter space might be introduced by global optimization. We develop a strategy to reduce the dimensions of parameter space. In the experiment,this system shows the efficiency and robustness in the case of varying illumination,without camera calibration,less overlapping and less knowledge of the scene.
