Current Issue Cover

胡美燕1, 姜献峰1, 柴国钟1(浙江工业大学机电工程学院,杭州 310032)

摘 要
The Application of Hu Moment in Image Description about Intravenous Needles for Single Use


Hand petal of intravenous needles for single use is assembled by hand in most enterprises in China, but there are many shortcomings. In this paper, an image description method of identifying intravenous needles images by Hu moment invariants is studied. Images of intravenous needles of different angles are obtained by means of backlighting, which is able to acquire the intact and available information of outline of intravenous needles. The experiment proves that with the increase of angle, the moment invariants of the images are changed by the rules. Hu moment invariants are feasible and effective to describe the images of intravenous needles for single use.
