Current Issue Cover

贾承丽1, 匡纲要1(国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院一系,长沙 410073)

摘 要
A Review of SAR Speckle Filtering


Speckle, appearing in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images as granular noise, is generated by the coherent processing of radar signals. It severely affects the image qualities. To alleviate deleterious effects of speckle, various ways have been devised to suppression it. An ideal algorithm should smooth the speckle without blurring edges and fine detail. But most algorithms cannot satisfy these two demands very good.This paper investigates the problem of speckle suppression comprehensively and thoroughly. It first analyzes the principle of speckle forming, then describes the general approaches of speckle reduction filtering, discusses several well known speckle reduction filters, compares the algorithms qualitatively. To compare speckle smoothing algorithm quantitatively, a set of performance criteria is established. In the end, conclusions are made and the possible future work is explained.
