
 Methods for identifying and handling academic misconduct papers


In order to protect the rights and interests of readers and maintain the quality and reputation of the Chinese Journal of Image and Graphics, in accordance with the editorial and publishing process, this journal will strictly conduct multiple checks and screenings on all submitted papers. For papers that are deemed to have the possibility of academic misconduct, they will be rejected and dealt with severely depending on the circumstances. The testing process and handling methods of this journal are as follows:


This journal uses the CNKI Academic Misconduct Detection System and related search engine systems to conduct at least two checks on each paper before publication. The Chinese Academic Literature Network Publishing Database is used as the full-text comparison database to detect whether there are academic misconduct issues such as plagiarism, forgery, tampering, improper attribution, and multiple submissions in the paper.


    1   所有投稿论文、准备录用和已录用的论文;

    2   被举报涉嫌抄袭的论文。

2、 The scope of papers to be tested includes:

1) All submitted papers, prepared for acceptance, and accepted papers;

2) Papers reported as suspected of plagiarism.




    2 论文内容中,改变他人成果的类型并将他人完成的成果当作自己独立完成的成果的;或者不改变成果的类型但是利用成果中受著作权保护的成分并改变成果的具体表现形式,并将他人完成的成果当作自己独立完成的成果的;




    6 一稿多投或自我抄袭。


    1) 本刊将本着审慎的态度对最终认定为属于学术不端的论文,及时通知作者,在做出处理决定前,允许作者就此问题做出解释和申辩。


    3) 如果该论文是已经正式刊出的,则以书面的形式通知论文作者,取消论文的录用资格,作者需退还此论文的稿费,在学报上就论文的侵权行为和产生的不良影响向本刊、被侵权者或单位、以及全体读者公开道歉,承担相应责任。如给本刊造成声誉或是其他损失的,本刊将保留继续追索赔偿的权利。

    4) 本刊处理意见通知全体作者及所在单位,通告相关机构及数据库。







3、 Recognition of academic misconduct papers


Using the CNKI Academic Misconduct Detection System for plagiarism detection in papers. If the plagiarism rate is high, the paper should be submitted together with the comparative paper to the reviewer for confirmation of the nature and form of the paper's duplication, and a "Opinions on Recognition and Handling of Similarities between the Paper and Comparative Paper" should be prepared. The criteria for identifying academic misconduct papers are as follows:


1) Copying someone else's work in its original or substantially original form in the content of the paper;


2) In the content of the paper, changing the type of work done by others and treating the work done by others as independent work; Or, without changing the type of achievement, utilizing the copyrighted components of the achievement and changing the specific manifestation of the achievement, and treating the achievement completed by others as one's own independent achievement;


3) Using the protected viewpoints of others to constitute the entire, core, or main viewpoint of one's own academic paper, and using the protected academic achievements of others as the main or substantive part of one's own academic paper;


4) Falsifying or tampering with research results, survey data, experimental data, or literature materials in a paper;


5) Quoting protected viewpoints, plans, materials, data, etc. from others without annotations or specifying their source;


6) Multiple submissions or self plagiarism in one draft.


4、 Handling of papers identified as academic misconduct


1) This journal will, with a cautious attitude, promptly notify the authors of papers that are ultimately deemed to be academic misconduct, and allow the authors to provide explanations and defenses on this issue before making a decision to address it.


2) If the paper has been accepted but not officially published, the author will be notified, and the paper will be directly rejected and its acceptance qualification will be cancelled in the manuscript processing process on the website of this journal. The relevant materials will be archived, and the relevant expenses incurred by the paper will be borne.


3) If the paper has already been officially published, the author of the paper shall be notified in writing, and the acceptance qualification of the paper shall be cancelled. The author shall refund the manuscript fee of the paper, publicly apologize to this journal, the infringed party or unit, and all readers for the infringement behavior and adverse effects of the paper in the journal, and bear corresponding responsibilities. If it causes reputation or other losses to our magazine, we reserve the right to continue seeking compensation.


4) This publication will notify all authors and their affiliations of the handling opinions, and notify relevant institutions and databases.


5) For papers written by authors who commit serious plagiarism, multiple submissions, and multiple publications as the first author, this journal will not accept any papers within 2 years.


5、 Handling of Objections from Authors of Papers


If the author of the paper has objections to the recognition and handling results of this journal, they can submit a written application for review to this journal within 10 working days from the date of receiving the notice. The editorial department is responsible for inviting experts to review the paper, give the final handling opinion, and notify the author of the review result within 30 working days. Overdue dates will not be accepted by this publication.



Editor of China Journal of Image and Graphics
