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王子璇1(复旦大学通信科学与工程系,上海 200433)

摘 要
3维表面的配准在3维物体重建、场景检测和物体识别过程中起着重要的作用。为此提出了一种新的3维表面表示方法——角度签名(angle signature),并将其用于3维表面配准。该表示方法将表面的局部几何信息表示成为1维的向量,具有对刚体变换的不变性。由于其简洁的表示方式,可以实现表面的快速配准。此外,该方法较其他3维表面的表示方法具有更强的鲁棒性。在实际应用中,为了提高表面配准的速度,首先筛选出特征点,然后利用特征点寻找表面之间的对应关系,从而将刚体变换的参数求出,实现表面的配准。实验结果表明,采用角度签名实现物体表面配准具有较快的速度和较高的精度。
3D Surface Registration Based on Angle Signature


3D surface registration is a challenging problem and it has many applications ranging from 3D reconstruction to object detection and recognition. This paper introduces a new 3D surface presentation approach for the 3D surface registration termed angle signature (AS). The proposed method captures the local geometry information of the given point and encodes it into a vector, so it is invariant to rigid transformation. Therefore, it is possible to implement fast registration owing to this simple representation. This method performs robustly against error of estimated normal caused by noise compared with other surface representations. In order to enhance the speed of the algorithm, this approach selects a small set of featured points and calculates their signatures. Registration is based on finding at least three points correspondence between two surfaces and the transformation parameters can be calculated. The results of the experiments show surface registration using angle signature has desirable speed and accuracy.
