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马建林1, 崔志明1, 龚声蓉1, 吴健1, 叶峰1(苏州大学智能信息处理及应用研究所,江苏 215006)

摘 要
A Novel Adaptive 3D Medical Image Interpolation Method Using ROI


Interpolation of cross sectional medical images is an important procedure in 3D reconstruction.To overcome the shortcomings, which are brought by current algorithms, such as ambiguity of objects’ boundary, high cost of computing. In this paper we propose a novel adaptive image interpolation algorithm that is suitable to medical image processing.This algorithm makes good use of characteristics of anatomical structures and volume relativity and uses the following strategies: firstly to judge whether the interpolation point belongs to ROI, then to get the best point pair according to quality of curve.The experimental results show that the novel method produces new image that is in better accord with the practical demand not only in gray but anatomical structures as well.Moreover, this algorithm is more efficient than current algorithms.Therefore, our algorithm is more suitable to 3D reconstruction.
