Current Issue Cover

张引1, 饶娜1, 张三元1, 叶修梓1(浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Color Transfer between Images with Auto Selecting Swatches


Transferring color between images is a method that borrows one image's color characteristics from another.This paper introduces a technique for transferring color with auto selecting swatches.It uses unsupervised clustering to partition the target and the source image data into a certain number of subsets with similar color,then selects certain larger density pixels in each subset to construct corresponding swatch.It creates optimized correspondence by matching texture character and luminance between subsets.The color information is transferred from the matched pixel in source swatch to the target one.When color transmission is done between the source and the target swatches,the final colors are assigned to each pixel of the target image by matching pixel to pixel in the target swatches in the way of comparing texture characteristics.The proposed auto selecting swatches algorithm can be used to transfer color not only between two color images but also between a grey image and a color image.Because this technique can automatically perform color transfer process without user selecting swatches,it can be conveniently applied to batch process and video,provided that composition,texture and luminance are sufficiently distinct.
